Friday, July 29, 2011

Tisano Summer Nights....


A little over 30 days until Labour Day marks the offical end of Summer! Don't let this month pass you by with out experiencing a Classic American Summer Tradition.

(Q.) What do the following summer traditions have in common ?

Pool Parties - Outdoor Concerts - County Fairs - Picnics - Barbecue Parties...

(A.) Getting buzzed in the warm summer sun....

Now with
Tisano Iced Chocolate Tea... you can add some new flavors to old traditions....

Be the first amongst family or friends to invent a new summer tradition and be known by all as the hippest hipster on the block.

Tisano makes it easy to be a CREATIVE GENIUS...'s how...

1 - Brew up some Tisano Cacao Tea.
2- Throw in some ice.
3 - Sweeten to taste.
4 - Enjoy.

Drink your Tisano Iced Tea on your super-yacht, on board your G6 or like most of us in your buddy's back yard.

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Fun summer Chocotail ideas keep reading ....


Tisano Iced, gingery splash of gin, a dash of vermouth, garnished with zesty a lemon twist..


Tisano Iced extra strong brew, double shot of oak aged dark Venezuelan rum, drop of Cointreau, fresh lime wedge


Tisano Iced, crisp white dominican rum, handful of fresh mint leaves, one basil leaf
for extra minty - use Tisano Cacao Mint to brew your Tisano Iced

Please send me your creative Tisano and Chocolate Cocktail Ideas...

buy your tin and start creating @

Monday, June 27, 2011

Back from China...

China is the future. I feel as a Grain merchant from ptolemys Egypt, thinking that alexandria is the height of civalization and the pharoh power is almighty divine and unquestionable only to land on cesars Rome to sell my wheat and discover unseen sights an spectacles. Running water. Paved roads sewage, transit and trade hubs ... The new center of the world.

China under the Ming dynasty centralized standardized modernized and advanced their culture... This rule lead to three hundred years o prosperity and growth. Then in fighting and the west fucked with them. From 1935 till now with the communists in power they again have managed to centralize standardize and modenize for what seems to a planned quantum leap in growth.

The subways, rail, roads, building public services and private business is set up for a futuristic utopian society. Vic there are street bump guides for the blind on every sidewalk in everytown I have been to... Unhindered with dilapidated industrial revolution infrastructure, buildings and mentality they can create a modern state using modern technologies and planned centralized growth to no only support but empower thier masses.

The simple fact is this with the size of the population and the increase in per capita GDP coupled with grain, food, gold and raw material reserves it is hard to envision a scenario where they will not sustain growth.

I am in awe and only reminded by my recent travels to Sao Paulo, Dubai, Mumbai and Santiago that it in the developing world where unforeseen opportunities exist.

That is it for now....

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tisano Nibbles pitched to Google

This is how Google'rs get around their campus

Today I am in a competition and fight to the finish against our chocolate colleagues and competitors - TCHO, Vosges Chocolates, Dagoba (owned by Hershey's) and Ghirardelli (owned by Lindt).

Hands down I can easily call myself the underdog, under manned, underfunded, understocked -up against industry giants.

After three months of talks we have been invited to Google Campus in Mountain View, CA to present our chocolates to over 4,500 Google Employees.
I didn't realize this food show was going to be this intense all the major brands are here in what some one called the food contract of the year. I flew up this morning, rented a car and showed up with two suitcases of product. Everyone else has full blown booths, booth babes and their VP's of Sales and VP' of Marketing present.

Well just wanted to send a few pictures and ask you guys to wish me luck....